Why We Do What We Do

Family Life Education


Sexual assaults rank India as one of the most dangerous country to be a woman

  • Rape accounts for about 12% of all crimes against women

  • Each year, there are 4 million teenage pregnancies in India

  • About 99% of cases of sexual violence go unreported because women are afraid of humiliation

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4000 cases of child rape are reported a month

  • 40,000 children are abducted each year in India alone

  • 53% of children in India have been victims of some kind of sexual abuse

  • 65,000 children as young as five are passed around sex trafficking networks throughout the country every year

Sex Education among children

Despite India’s disturbingly high rates of sexual abuse, child sex trafficking, and teenage pregnancies, sex education among adolescents is a taboo topic in India today, resulting in only a select few schools incorporating sex education into their curriculums.

Benefits of Sexual Education:

  • Can prevent gender and sex related injuries and violence

    • Can bring awareness to and teach prevention methods to sexual harassment

  • Can enhance the psychological, sexual and reproductive health of students

  • Can do away with the taboo and stigma surrounding sex

  • Can educate children on health issues related to sex and lower the rates of teenage pregnancy

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation(CPR)


Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of mortality in India; however, only 2% of India’s population knows how to perform CPR

  • Around 88% of cardiac arrests happen outside the hospital

  • Approximately 95 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital

    • Death from cardiac arrest, however, is not inevitable

      • If more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved

  • Effective bystander CPR can double a victim’s chance of survival

  • Over 2.8 million deaths in India are caused by heart disease

Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for children ages 1-4

  • 80 people drown to their deaths everyday in India

  • Bystander CPR performed on drowning victims has a 70% success rate

First Aid


The Indian National Crime Records Bureau Data reports that

  • 35 Indians die from Fire Accident every single day

  • 7208 of the deaths are from home Fire

  • More Women die of Fire Accidents than Men

Source : National Crime Records Bureau

We want to change this.